Jun. 23, 2023

Contact: Colleen McCabe ( or 917-410-7240)

Contraceptive Access Initiative applauds President Biden’s executive order to increase access to birth control

Order includes insurance coverage for over-the-counter contraception, which the FDA is expected to approve this summer

WASHINGTON — In a groundbreaking move for access to reproductive health care,  President Biden signed an executive order today on “Strengthening Access to Affordable, High-Quality Contraception and Family Planning Services.” 

The order, which expands and protects access to birth control, comes at the same time the Food and Drug Administration is expected to approve over-the-counter (OTC) status for the progestin-only daily oral contraceptive Opill. Last month an FDA expert advisory committee voted unanimously (17-0) to recommend FDA approval — and highlighted the urgent need to remove barriers to contraception. The FDA’s ruling is expected this summer.

The nonprofit Contraceptive Access Initiative (CAI), which advocates for expanded access to contraceptives, praised the announcement. CAI Co-founder Dana Singiser said:

“President Biden’s order is a tremendous, positive development for increasing access to birth control and for reproductive health equity. Particularly given the state of reproductive health care access in the U.S., reducing all unnecessary barriers to contraception is a public health imperative. 

“We applaud President Biden for his continued commitment to contraceptive access, and for recognizing the importance of ensuring that over-the-counter contraception — including emergency contraception, condoms, and we expect soon an oral contraception pill — is also made affordable. For young people, who often face the greatest barriers to health care, the ability to control their reproductive health, including access to contraception and abortion, is being blocked in state after state. Making the pill available over the counter without a prescription will help make contraceptives more available in this country and could reduce unintended pregnancies in the U.S. by up to 25 percent. 

“Sound scientific evidence shows that over-the-counter status for oral contraception is safe and effective, and we look forward to FDA approval of the first-ever daily oral contraception pill available without a prescription without delay. The agency’s approval will immediately make this product the most effective form of contraception available OTC. The President’s order will go a long way toward ensuring affordable access when the pill is available on store shelves.”

According a White House announcement this morning, “The Executive Order directs the Secretaries of the Treasury, Labor, and HHS to consider new actions to improve access to affordable over-the-counter contraception, including emergency contraception. These actions could include convening pharmacies, employers, and insurers to discuss opportunities to expand access to affordable over-the-counter-contraception; identifying promising practices regarding the coverage of over-the-counter contraception at no cost to patients; and providing guidance to support seamless coverage of over-the-counter contraception.”


The nonprofit Contraceptive Access Initiative (CAI) advocates for increasing access to hormonal contraception over-the-counter for all ages, free from stigma, bias and coercion.