Share your story

Your story matters!

The Contraceptive Access Initiative is looking for individuals to share stories about their experiences with contraception. These stories could be a very valuable resource for reporters trying to convey the human aspect of access to birth control. They could also influence decisions about the pill over-the-counter and related issues.

Your story can be:

  • Any length! Just give us a snapshot below, you’ll have a chance to edit your final submission.

  • About any part of your contraception journey. We’re focused on the pill, but you can share about any birth control method you have used.

The only criteria are that your story must be true and you must be 18 years or older.

Interested in sharing your story? Fill out the form below.


Support access for young people!

Advocates For Youth are amplifying the voices of young people in support of the pill over-the-counter without age restrictions. Check out ways you can get involved here!