June 13, 2024
Contact: Loretta Kane (917-410-7242 or

SCOTUS ruling protects integrity, independence of FDA’s evidence-based decision making

WASHINGTON — Today’s U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Danco Laboratories, L.L.C. v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine, upholds FDA decisions on medication abortion, overturning the radical decision of a lower court in Texas. This ruling comes amidst growing attacks on access to reproductive health care.

“Today’s decision is welcome news, as the courts are an important line of defense against religious extremists trying to inflict their anti-contraception beliefs on the FDA’s scientific and medical review,” said CAI Co-founder Dana Singiser. “Reproductive health care drugs are being singled out and targeted in unprecedented fashion not based on medical science but motivated by personal religious and cultural beliefs. The FDA must operate as an independent, science-based agency and be protected from political pressure.”

The Catholic Medical Association — the group that founded Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine — also campaigned against the application for the birth control pill to receive over-the-counter status, along with the Catholic Medical Association and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. Other birth control drugs, such as emergency contraception are already the target of an extremist campaign aiming to recategorize them as abortion.

In a Power to Decide statement issued today, CEO Raegan McDonald Mosley, MD, MPH, a practicing OB-GYN who also serves as chief medical advisor for CAI, said, “Since its FDA approval over 20 years ago, mifepristone has been a safe and effective medication used in conjunction with misoprostol to end pregnancies and manage pregnancy losses. As a health care provider, the most important thing I want people to know is that mifepristone remains safe, effective and available. While we are relieved by the decision of the Court, we know that there is still much work to be done to ensure that everyone who needs it has access to medication abortion and abortion care overall.”


The nonprofit Contraceptive Access Initiative advocates for increasing access to contraception, free from stigma, bias and coercion. CAI supports affordable over-the-counter access to oral contraception without restrictions. Our work reduces misinformation and challenges disinformation, while uplifting educational content that helps people make the choices that are right for them.